Equal Education finds the common denominator in academic support

Equal Education is a social enterprise providing Children Looked After and those with SEN (special educational needs) a chance for one-to-one tuition with a qualified teacher, to not only improve their attainment but improve their outcomes in life. The Equal Educations model is one of the most effective educational interventions, providing up to five months of progress, and has the potential to narrow the significant attainment gap that exists in our country.

How do we work together?

Equal Education has worked with West London Zone since January 2022. They wholeheartedly align with our vision, to support every child in developing the skills and relationships they need to thrive in society, with their one-to-one model of tuition further supporting this. Since beginning our partnership, they have delivered face-to-face maths tuition, with qualified teachers, across primary and secondary schools, supporting over 20 students to strengthen their mathematical understanding and build their confidence in the subject. 

What is so important about their work?

Whilst they provide one to one tuition across all key stages, subjects and locations, the common denominator is the importance of the relationship between tutor and pupil, as they believe this is fundamental to progress. Equal Education tutors take a trauma-informed approach, supporting children and young people to overcome barriers to learning, increase their engagement and aspirations. They provide both Alternative Provision and Supplementary tuition, online and in-person, alongside a range of other services including; digital technology supply, exam arrangement and support, attending personal education plan (PEP) and Annual Review meetings, transition programmes, English as an additional language (EAL), and more.  In their 2021-22 impact review, their parent/carer and pupil survey suggested an increase in engagement (87% of pupils agreed) and improved academic understanding (87% of pupils agreed). 

For one particular student, who had not been able to engage in a mainstream school due to his anxiety and autism diagnosis, Equal Education provided 15 hours of online tuition every week for over two years. This one to one setting allowed this young person to build his self confidence and resilience; so much so that he exceeded his predicted GCSE grades from 5-6s to 6-9s. The tutor supported him in coping with his anxiety as over the course of time, he was accepted into a college of his choice and is beginning to reintegrate with his peers. 

“Tuition has given him the ability to reach true educational potential.” parent

Plans for the future

In a post-pandemic world, combined with the major impact of the cost of living crisis, education inequality is at the forefront of our agenda. As a recognised National Tutoring Programme provider, Equal Education are committed to supporting all pupils in achieving their best possible outcomes. Find out more about what we do and tutoring with us here.

together, every child and young person can flourish.
